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Samsung Electronics Co stops Galaxy Note 7 sales

Samsung Electronics Co Ltd  has stopped  sale of its Galaxy Note 7 smartphones after complaints of faulty battery and fires.

According to reports, the company has halted sale of the its flagship device. There are speculations that the company might scrap the cell phone.

However, the company has not yet made any announcement regarding permanently scrapping the device.

The world’s top smartphone maker earlier said it had asked all global carriers to stop sales of the Note 7s and the exchange of original devices for replacements. The company is offering to exchange Note 7s for other products or refund them.

Samsung’s decision to pull Note 7s off the shelves for the second time in less than two months not only raises fresh doubts about the firm’s quality control but could result in huge financial and reputational costs.

The phone launched in August was to compete with Apple Inc’s latest iPhone for supremacy in the smartphone market. Well received by critics, its first problem was a shortage as pre-orders overwhelmed supply.

But within days of the launch images of charred Note 7s began appearing on social media, in the first sign that something was wrong with the gadget. Samsung has since recalled 2.5 million Note 7s due to faulty batteries.