Abb Takk News

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on Monday declared the combined Competitive Examination (CCE) conducted by the Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) in 2013 as ‘null and void’.

Announcing its detailed judgment of the suo motu case relating to SPSC, the apex court ruled that in view of large scale irregularities and discrepancies committed in written tests and interview of CEC-2013, the same are set aside and cancelled. It is, however, clarified that the screening test results are not cancelled/set aside, the judgement added.

The court further ordered in its judgment that fresh written test for CEC-2013 for the post advertised be held as soon as possible after appointment of the chairman and members of the commission and after verification of the credential of the existing/remaining members of the commission.

It said that only the 2,813 candidates who had earlier taken the written tests of CEC-2013 for the 182 posts be permitted top take fresh written tests even if in the meanwhile they have crossed the stipulated upper age and without requiring payment of any additional fee/charge.

The court also ordered appointment of chairman of Sindh Public Service Commission and members, ordering that the news members should meet the prescribed qualifications. The court instructed that persons of integrity and competence be appointed to the vacant position of the members of the Commission without four weeks of the announcement of this judgment.