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Security Council Imposes Embargo on South Sudan

Web Desk (July 14, 2018): The UN Security Council has imposed an arms embargo on South Sudan and sanctions on two military officials, ratcheting up pressure after the latest diplomatic efforts failed to end nearly five years of war.

A resolution proposed by the United States, which has been advocating an arms embargo against South Sudan for two years, was adopted by a 9-to-0 vote in the 15-member council while six members abstained.US Ambassador Nikki Haley told the council that support for the arms embargo will send a message to South Sudan’s leaders that we need to stop the flow of weapons to armed groups, that they are using to fight each other and to terrorize the people.The strongest objection came from South Sudan’s United Nations ambassador, Akuei Bona Malwal, who urged council members to reject the arms embargo, calling it a slap in the face of those organizations who are trying to bring peace in South Sudan.

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