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Senator Fraser Anning Egged

MELBOURNE: Queensland senator Fraser Anning has been egged while speaking to the media at a political meeting at Moorabbin in Melbourne’s south-east.

Footage of the incident shows a young man watching Senator Anning from the sidelines before he starts filming with his mobile phone, and then smashes the egg on the back of the senator’s head.

In response, Senator Anning swings two punches at the young man, at least one of which connects with the young man’s head.

A staffer for Senator Anning then separates the senator from the young man, while supporters of the senator tackle his attacker to the ground.

The young man was later led away by police.

A Victoria Police spokesman said officers arrested a 17-year-old boy from Hampton who was released pending further inquiries.

A fundraising page has already been set up to collect donations to cover the teenager’s legal fees and to buy “more eggs”.