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Shahbaz Sharif questions moral justification of those talking against corruption

LAHORE:  Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif on Tuesday said that those who had grabbed lands and got worth billions of rupees written off had no moral justification to talk about corruption, saying that time has come for accountability of those who looted national exchequer.

The chief minister said that the way and at the speed the development projects were being executed and completed  under the leadership of Nawaz Sharif with complete fairness and transparency had no precedent in the 70 years history of the country.

He asserted that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had spent the national resources on the masses with complete transparency.

Coming down hard on past rulers, Shahbaz said that in the past rulers had set new records of corruption during their tenures.

He added that the moment had arrived to hold those accountable who looted the national exchequer mercilessly and with impunity.

He added the masses were aware that the allegations being leveled by the defeated elements were nothing but pack of lies.

He added that the Prime Minister were making all-out efforts to bring out the country from crises and problems.