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SHC allows Zulfiqar Mirza and Fehmida Mirza to contest general elections

Karachi: The Sindh High Court on Thursday accepted constitutional petitions of Zulfiqar Miran and his Fehmida Mirza allowing the duo to contest the general elections.

Former speaker National Assembly (NA) Dr Fehmida Mirza and his husband has filed nomination papers from NA-223, whereas Zulfiqar Mirza has filed nominations from PS-70, PS-71 and PS-72.

The returning officer (RO) and the election tribunal had rejected their papers on chaurges of bank defaulters.

Later Zufiqar Mirza and Fehmida Mirza have filed the constitutional petition in the SHC against the appealet tribunal.

In this regard, now complainant Sadia Javed said that she will approach the Supreme Court against the verdict of the SHC.