Lahore (April 04, 2018): Chief Minister Punjab Shehbaz Sharif on Wednesday said that a lot of things had been written on Bajwa doctrine but the Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Jawed Bajwa is a professional soldier.
“He is a straight-forward man and the work he is doing should be appreciated,” he said this while talking to media in Lahore. He said that the civilian and military authorities must work together to counter the challenges facing Pakistan. He also informed regarding his meeting with the chief of the army staff.
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He said that if they would be given chance in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhua they would also try to bring them at par with the progress in Punjab province.
He said that they would take every step for the betterment of the masses. The provincial chief minister weighed in on the role of National Accountability Bureau in the country and remarked that the bureau is quite active these days.
He remarked that if a transparent accountability system helps the country move forward, then it will be a great success. On the controversy surrounding Orange Line Metro Train (OLMT) project, he remarked that no evidence regarding corruption in the project has surfaced.
“Imran Khan [Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chief] said that corrupt practices were undertaken during the construction of the Orange Line project, but nothing of the allegations were proven,” the CM said.
“We should refrain from engaging in politics of lies and allegations.”
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