Abb Takk News

Lahore (April 10, 2018): Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid Leader Shujaat Hussain on Tuesday raised the curtains from the important decisions of the past in his book launching ceremony.

The book launching ceremony of the PML-Q leader “Sach To Yeh Hai” was held at a local hotel on Tuesday, which was attended by top political personalities including the Chief Minister Balochistan Abdul Quddus Bizenjo.

Shujaat said that he has written everything in his book whatever he had witnessed during his political career.He alleged former prime minister Nawaz Sharif asked him to frame Asif Ali Zardari in a “fake narcotics case”.

Chaudhry Shujaat further claimed that Pervez Musharraf used to say that former prime minister of Pakistan Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali was “extremely lazy”.

“He [Musharraf] used to complain that PM saab [Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali] wakes up at noon and had reservations with him so I advised Jamali to resign,” he wrote in his book.

Regarding the Lal Masjid operation which he vehemently opposed, the PML-Q leader wrote, “Thinking about that day still worries me.”

He further alleged that the 2008 general elections were rigged and “America wanted Benazir Bhutto to come to power.”Chief Minister Balochistan said that his father has said in his will to never support Nawaz Sharif even if he becomes the president of the United States. “Nawaz talks of respect for vote but when it comes to the elected chairman Senate, he is speaking against him,” he said.

Awami Muslim League (AML) leader Sheikh Rasheed claimed that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif tried to get an ‘NRO’ on March 23 but failed to do so.

Rasheed was referring to the National Reconciliation Order initiated by the former military chief and president Pervez Musharraf to bring back the Pakistan Peoples Party leaders to the country in return for wiping off the corruption cases against them.

Speaking at the launch of former prime minister Chaudhry Shujaat’s book, Rasheed said that everyone in Pakistan practices the politics of power.He added that Nawaz has been trying to get his hands on an NRO to have all the cases and investigations against him wound up, however, he has failed to get his hands on any deal as yet.

The AML chief also said that during the Kalashnikov case, none of the other MNA’s sided with him.

He also added that the day the Nawaz family starts speaking the truth will be their last day in politics.

He further added that in Pakistan’s political landscape, the conclusion of cases takes so long that an entire generation comes of age before any meaningful result.


Making revelations in his book, Shujaat said in his book that the US wanted Benazir Bhutto as PM and the 2018 election was fixed.

In the book full of revelations, Ch Shujaat has said that Nawaz Sharif reneged on promise to make him CM of Punjab. He has also disclosed that a colonel once wanted to beat up Sheikh Rasheed but his interference saved the Rawalpindi politician.

He also revealed that he was told by Americans that Mushrraf and Tariq Aziz let PML (Q) down in the elections of 2018.The book has caused quite a stir in the political circles of Pakistan 2 months before elections.

Dr Abdul Qadeer

Shujaat revealed that once Dr Abdul Qadeer telephoned him in a worried tune and informed that the CDA officials are standing outside his residence to demolish the structure.

“I hurriedly took out my car and reach his residence,” he said adding that after talks with them the issue was sorted out.

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