Abb Takk News

Sit-in will continue to extend, more the government will delay it: Hafiz Naeem

Rawalpindi: Amir Jamat-e-Islami (JI) Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman Tuesday vowed that the scope of the sit-in will continue to increase, the more the government will delay it,there will be sit-ins all over Pakistan.

Addressing the participants of the sit-in at Liaquat Bagh in Rawalpindi, Hafiz Naeem Ur Rehman said that the cruel policies of the government are not constraints but incompetence and corruption.

JI Amir Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman stated that the protest for 250 million people of Pakistan has entered in 5th day today.

The JI Chief said that the protest has increased hope among people of Pakistan.

He said that despite rains at night and in the season of humidity, facing all the difficulties, the participants of the sit-in are persistent.

He determined that our sit-in will get relief for the people as it is going impossible for every class to pay hefty electricity bills.

He said that people can’t educate their children with heavy bills while the government has imposed 18 percent tax on basic food items.

Amir JI further said that the industries are shutting down as a result of the cruel policies of the government and resultantly people are losing their jobs.

Hafiz Naeem also stated that ministers declared that they cannot hold talks to Independent Power Producers (IPPs).

He apprised that the IPP agreements started during the era of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), Nawaz Sharif, Pervez Musharraf,and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

He said “they (Government) say that the terms of the agreements with IPPs cannot be revealed. They can only put burden on people, but cannot show IPPs contracts to people.

He further added that they are using RLNG because they have made illegal contracts. They announce bidding at wrong time, it is their incompetence.

On the government perks and privillages he questioned that Why can’t they announce no government vehicle will be more than 1300 cc? They say it is not possible, but now the government will have to do it, he roared.

The JI chief apprised that the party Karachi chapter has decided to start a sit-in in front of the governor’s house from July 31 tomorrow.

In Peshawar too, they will stage protest sit in front of the governor house and chief minister’s house. We will continue to spread the sit-in in the entire country and this chain will not stop.

The JI Amir said that the government has put an additional burden of taxes on the salaried class who are already paying their huge share.

The job of Federal Bureau of Revenue (FBR) is to increase the tax net and collect taxes legitimately.

He alleged that FBR has 22,000 employees, it is doing corruption by taking advantage of everything.

Hafiz Naeem continued that through FBR there is corruption of huge sum of Rs1,001 billion.

He informed the participants, we have a complete roadmap with us while he said that We would see who will stop us from progress.

We have to get rid of these incompetent people, he adds.

He vowed that the scope of the sit-in will continue to increase, the more the government will delay it,there will be sit-ins all over Pakistan.