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Situation remains tense in Occupied Kashmir on 54th day

Situation is still tensed in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir continuously on 54th day while curfew is still imposed in District Batamalu, Palwama, Srinagar and other areas of valley.

Clashes have been reported between Indian forces and protesters in District Sopur area of Occupied Kashmir and a Kashmiri youth martyred in the clashes.

Owing to strained situation educational institutes are closed while complete strike is being observed on call of All Pakistan Hurriyat Conference (APHC).

Kashmiri’s neglecting Indian aggression  and strictness came out of their houses for protest while Indian forces resorted to baton charge, clubs and used pellet guns. Indian forces have rejected demand not to use pellet gun. Indian officials said that they will use pepper gun against Kashmiris while the use of pellet guns will continue.

According to Kashmir media service in last 27 years as many as 10 thousand  Kashmiri youth have been missing since after taking into custody by brutal Indian forces.