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Students Of Grades 1-4, 6-7 Of Federal Govt Schools To Be Promoted Without Exams

Students of classes I-IV and VI-VII will be promoted to the next grade without exams in schools being operated by the federal government.

The federal government has agreed to hold exams of students of grade V and VIII. They added that the director general federal directorate of education has sent a summary to the relevant authorities in this regard.

Officials privy to the development said students of these grades will be promoted based on their results from the previous year. They added that last year, students from classes I-VIII were promoted on the basis of their results, adding that the record showed that 90% of the students had passed.

The decision comes as students from grades I-VIII are set to return to schools in Islamabad from Monday (tomorrow) onwards after the government agreed to the resumption of in-person classes.

The decision came after the National Command and Operations Centre (NCOC) gave the approval for in-person classes, after Pakistan witnessed a decline in the coronavirus cases of the federal capital.

The schools are already conducting classes for grades 9-10.

In a notification, the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE), which oversees public sector schools and colleges in Islamabad, said the exam schedule for grades 1-8 would be announced soon.