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Supreme Court To Announce Its Opinion Regarding Open Ballot On March 1

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court will announce its opinion on the presidential reference seeking the apex court’s view on holding Senate elections through open ballot on March 1.

According to sources, the lawyers were informed through a message about the fixation of the presidential reference.

The Court’s opinion reserved on the presidential reference will be announced in open court.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court of Pakistan reserved its opinion over the presidential reference on mode of balloting in the Senate election. A five-member larger bench headed by Chief Justice Gulzar Ahmed is hearing the case.

The federal government had filed the presidential reference seeking the Supreme Court’s opinion as to whether the Senate elections will be held under Article 226 of the Constitution or under the Election Act 2017.

The government has already promulgated a presidential ordinance, allowing open ballot in the Senate elections. However, enforcement of the ordinance has been tied to the opinion of the Supreme Court.