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Sweden introduces ‘indoor’ solar sheet to generate solar power.

WEB DESK: The Sweden have introduced a ‘indoor’ solar sheet to generate solar power, ‘indoor’ solar sheet will not need sunlight or battery backup.

A new ‘indoor’ solar sheet has been developed in place of solar panels, which will not require sunlight and will not require a battery for backup. A manufacturing factory is also operating in the suburbs of Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, where a solar sheet worth thousands of Euros is being produced every 6 seconds.

The name of this factory is ‘Exeger’, the founder of which is a man named Guvini Fili. Guvini Felli was working on finding an alternative to solar panels for Sweden’s overcast climate and eventually succeeded in creating this indoor solar sheet, which can generate electricity from any kind of light.

Speaking to the British newspaper The Independent, Guvini Fili said that this solar sheet is capable of generating electricity from sunlight, moonlight and even candlelight. This invention will prove to be very useful in ending the energy crisis at the international level and in dealing with the threats to the environment.