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Syria: Heavy fighting between forces, Kurds in Halab; 64 dead

HALAB, SYRIA: Sixty-eight people were killed during heavy fighting between Syrian forces and Kurds here.

An air strike by unidentified fighter jets at a hospital in the city  killed 34 and injured many.

A total of 98 people were killed in both the incidents.

The fighting intensified when Syrian forces tried to capture Til Raffat city under the control of Kurds.

Three doctors, six hospital staff, 14 patients and their family members were among those killed inthe air strike at the hospital. The building turned into rubble after the attack. It reamins unknown who bombed the hospital- Syria, Russia, or jets of American alliance.

The recent violence in Syria thraetens cease fire agreement under the auspices of the UN.

Special UN Envoy for Syria has stressed upon Russia and the U.S. to take measures to help save peace talks.