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Syria: Suicide Car Bomb Attack Claims 14 Lives

Damascus (July 11, 2018): A suicide car bomb attack killed 14 newly reconciled fighters from pro-government and rebel ranks in an attack on a south Syrian village.

At least 14 regime and opposition fighters who recently reconciled were killed in a suicide car bomb attack targeting a military position in Zaizun, a village in the western countryside of Daraa province.ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement saying the car driven by a suicide bomber had been packed with explosives. The regime is now in control of around 80 percent of Daraa province, while rebels hold around 15 percent.

On Monday, country’s air defences had destroyed several Israeli missiles and hit a warplane attacking an airbase near Homs. According to reports, there have not been any losses of Russian servicemen in the Daraa province or in the Syrian Arab Republic in general.

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