Abbtakk PakistanCURRENT AFFAIRSMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanTop NewsTRENDINGPTI is ready to bridge the gap between Imran Khan and the establishment.Abuzar UsamaAugust 26, 2023August 26, 2023 August 26, 2023August 26, 20230363PTI’s second tier leaders are brainstorming to take the party out of its current state. He is urging the establishment to reconsider its stance on...Read more
Abbtakk PakistanCourts and CasesCURRENT AFFAIRSHeadlinesMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanTop NewsTRENDINGPTI leader Asad Umar was arrested.Abuzar UsamaAugust 21, 2023August 21, 2023 August 21, 2023August 21, 20230429Islamabad: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Leader and Former Federal Minister Asad Umar was Arrested from Islamabad. According to FIA sources, Pakistan Tehreek-E-Insaf (PTI) Leader Asad Umar has...Read more