BreakingCURRENT AFFAIRSHeadlinesMOST POPULARNews TickerPakistanSportsTop NewsTRENDINGWorldWorld Cup 2023Top 5 Major Upsets in T20 World Cup History RevealedMuhammad ibrahimJune 7, 2024June 7, 2024 June 7, 2024June 7, 202402071In cricket, as in any sport, a strong team falling to an inexperienced one is considered a major upset. Just as in football or hockey,...Read more
Abbtakk PakistanMOST POPULARPakistanTop NewsTRENDINGSuccessful test of Pakistan’s Ghori missileAbuzar UsamaOctober 24, 2023October 24, 2023 October 24, 2023October 24, 20230441Islamabad: According to the ISPR, the Ghori weapon system test proved the operational and technical readiness of the Army Strategic force Command. According to Inter-Services...Read more