Abb Takk News

A number of factors including Exercise play an important role in achieving a long and healthy life.

Genes and gender are factors that cannot be changed, but many other habits such as diet, physical activity, stress management, not smoking and good sleep can help maintain good health. 

The University in Finland reported that exercise reduces the risk of developing several chronic diseases or dying prematurely, but other lifestyle factors are also important.

Now a new study has revealed how important exercise, along with other factors, is to a long and healthy life

4 groups were formed based on physical activity.

One group was sedentary, the second was moderately physically active, the third was active and the fourth group was very active.

The health and mortality of these individuals was reviewed for 45 years. 

The results showed that people who spent more time sitting during this period died the most.

 In fact, about 40 percent of deaths were caused by people who spend a lot of time sitting.

 In comparison, the risk of death from any cause was found to be 15 to 23 percent lower in all three groups of physically active individual

The researchers also examined other lifestyle factors such as body weight, alcohol and smoking. 

The results showed that sedentary people had a 7 percent lower risk of death from any cause if they controlled their body weight and avoided smoking or drinking alcohol. 

Research has shown that the biological age of those who spend most of their time sitting and those who are most physically active increases faster than other age groups.

 It should be noted that the age of each individual is determined by the date of birth (chronic age), but in medical terms there is also a biological age (biological age) which is according to the age of physical and mental functions