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Tarin Directs Provinces To Ensure Provision of Cheaper Wheat

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Finance and Revenue, Shaukat Tarin on Monday said the incumbent government firmly believe in a Pro-people Budget by following a consultative process with all stakeholders on board.

The underlying rationale is to achieve an all-inclusive sustainable economic growth by seeking valuable input from investors, traders and business community, he said.

The Minister for Finance chaired a consultative meeting with senior representatives of Pakistan Business Council, Pak-US Business Council and Overseas Investment Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OICCI) held at the Finance Division, said a press release issued by Ministry of Finance here.
Adviser to the Prime Minister on Commerce Abdul Razak Dawood, SAPM on Finance and Revenue Dr Waqar Masood , Chairman FBR Asim Ahmad and other senior officers participated in the meeting.
The Finance Minister welcomed the participants and appreciated the efforts for putting forward proposals for a growth-oriented and business-friendly Budget FY 2021-22.

While speaking on the occasion, the Finance Minister underlined that Pakistan has witnessed V-shape recovery amid pandemic due to prudent policies of the Government.

The Government has identified 12 sectors, under the banner of Economic Advisory Council (EAC), to formulate short, medium and long-term strategies to achieve an inclusive sustainable economic growth and social development with special focus on agriculture, housing, exports and revenue mobilization, he said.

Commenting on Federal Budget, the Finance Minister assured that the upcoming Budget envisages maximum relief to the common man.

The Government will come up with innovative out-of-the-box alternatives to achieve the revenue targets, by providing incentives and facilities, besides broadening the tax base rather than new taxes. There will be no regressive taxation and stern action will be taken against tax evaders, he added.

The Finance Minister directed to constitute a Consultative Committee comprising of representatives of PBC, OICCI and FBR to workout proposals with mutual consultation on regular basis.
Later, the Finance Minister held a virtual meeting with the delegation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) through a video link.