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Tayyip Erdogan arrival at PM House, guard of honor presented

ISALAMABAD: Turkish President has arrived in Pakistan for two-day visit, which has been marked by a warm welcome.

On arrival at the Prime Minister’s House, Shehbaz Sharif warmly welcomed the Turkish President and the First Lady and a salute was given in his honor, the national anthems of the two countries were also presented.

The guest president was brought to the salaam pavement where the two countries were played, after which the Turkish president was presented with the Guard of Honor by the Armed Forces squad, Recep Tayyip Erdogan inspected the Guard of Honor.

Later, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also met Army Chief General Asim Munir and welcomed him. In addition, the Turkish President gave a flight pass to the F -16 aircraft and greeted the distinguished guest.