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Third Polio Case Of Year 2019 Surfaces In Pakistan

HANGU: Another case of the infectious disease Poliomyelitis, often called polio or infantile paralysis surfaced in Pakistan, this time in Hangu district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.

According to details, doctors have confirmed presence of the deadly poliovirus in the body of a four-month-old baby named Fatima who belongs to KPK’s Hangu district.

It is to be noted that Fatima’ case marks it as third one of year 2019. Previously, two such cases have surfaced in the country where doctors confirmed the presence of the deadly virus in patients’ bodies.

The first case emerged on February 02, where an 11-month-old baby was found bearing poliovirus. The other emerged in Peshawar city where a 16-month-old child named Anum was found with the poliovirus.