WEB DESK: The Trending word on Social Media “Taghut” is Arabic word which denoting a focus of worship other than Allah, actually this word is the base of Islam.
In one TV program, famous motivational speaker Sahil Adeem utilize this word while answering the questions of audience, speaking on the set Sahil droped the bomb that 95% of Pakistani women are “Jaahil” basically uneducated and clueless, the woman in the audience just wouldn’t have it and started defending the intelligence and strength of Pakistani women everywhere, talk about girl power.
But then, things take a turn. Sahil utilized this word, “Taghut” and everyone liked the cold war between Sahil and the girl, but what is the relation of this word to Islam, Quran and the importance in our ordinary life, let see in Quran.
The Arabic word ‘Taghut’ is commonly seen as derived from the Three – letter verbal root of ط-غ-ت , which means to “cross the limits, overstep boundaries,” or “to rebel.” From this, ‘Taghut’ denotes one who exceeds their limits and focus of worship other than Allah.
The term ‘taghut’ occurs eight times in the Quran. In Pre-Islamic Arabia referring to pagan deities such as Al-lat and Al-Uzza
“Do you not see how those given a share of the Scripture, [evidently] now believe in idols and evil powers? ‘Taghut’ They say of the disbelievers, ‘They are more rightly guided than the believers.”
Qur’an, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayat 51
This is taken to refer to an actual event in which a group of disbelieving Makkah went to two eminent Jewish figures for counsel on the truth of Muhammad’s teachings and were told that the pagans were more rightly guided than Muslims.
“Do you [Prophet] not see those who claim to believe in what has been sent down to you, and in what was sent down before you, yet still want to turn to unjust tyrants for judgement, although they have been ordered to reject them? Satan wants to lead them far astray.”
Qur’an, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayat 60
The Arabic ‘taghut’ is variously interpreted to refer to idols, a specific tyrant, an oracle, or an opponent of the Prophet.
“The believers fight for God’s cause, while those who reject faith fight for an unjust cause ‘taghut’. Fight the allies of Satan: Satan’s strategies are truly weak.”
Qur’an, Sura 4 (An-Nisa), ayat 76
Again, this term ‘taghut’ has been used here to designate a demon worshipped by the Quraysh.
“There is no compulsion in religion: true guidance has become distinct from error, so whoever rejects ‘taghut’ false gods and believes in God has grasped the firmest hand-hold, one that will never break. God is all hearing, all knowing.”
Qur’an, Sura 2 (Al-Baqarah), ayat 256