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Tricky Math Quiz That No one Can Pass- Can You Do It ?

WEB DESK: The online challenge offers questions that you would have been taught at school.

While some of the solutions are fairly simple, others are designed to leave you scratching your heads.

In fact, the masterminds behind the quiz claim it’s so difficult that “no one” will be able to pass it.

  1. 25% of 1,000 = ?
  2. Which is equal to a quarter of its square?
  3. 41.1 – 40.3 = ?
  4. 100 x 1/2 = ?
  5. 19 x 19 = ?
  6. 24 ÷ 6 (8-4) = ?
  7. 1/2 of 1/2 of 1/2 of 1/2 of 128 = ?
  8. 1000 x 1000 = ?
  9. What is the square root of 225?
  10. 1110/10 = ?