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Trump questions US ‘One-China’ policy  

President-elect Donald Trump said that the US should end its “One China” policy, which has sparked fury from Chinese state media.

The Chinese government reacted to Trump’s statement saying Beijing ‘seriously concerned’ by Trump’s One China remarks.

It is to be mentioned here that under the policy, the US has formal ties with China rather than the island of Taiwan, which China sees as a breakaway province. This principle has been crucial to US-China relations for decades.

But Mr Trump said he saw no reason why this should continue without key concessions from Beijing.

His comments prompted an angry response from Chinese state media. An editorial in the Global Times warned him that the “One China policy cannot be traded”.

It comes after he took a phone call from Taiwan’s president, sparking a diplomatic row and a formal protest from Beijing.

It was in 1979 that the US broke formal diplomatic ties with the self-ruled island of Taiwan and switched recognition to China, ushering in a new era of deepening ties.

But even though formal diplomatic relations were broken, the US has maintained close unofficial ties with Taiwan over the years.

In the interview, broadcast by Fox News on Sunday, Mr Trump said: “I don’t know why we have to be bound by a One China policy unless we make a deal with China having to do with other things, including trade.”

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently called the Trump-Tsai call a “petty trick” by Taiwan. Mr Trump also said China was not co-operating with the US on its handling of its currency, on North Korea, or on tensions in the South China Sea.