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UK Government Fails In Lords Over Terms of Meaningful Vote

Web Desk (May 01, 2018): Peers defeated the government in voting to give parliament power to block or delay the UK from leaving without a deal.

The House of Lords on Monday voted 335 to 244 in favour of a ‘meaningful vote’ amendment to May’s Brexit blueprint that could allow parliament to send ministers back to the negotiating table in Brussels or even halt the Brexit process if it disapproved of the final deal.“This is not … about creating a constitutional crisis, nor is it about asking the Commons (the lower house) to take on the negotiations … it is to ask the Commons and parliament to decide whether the outcome of the negotiations is good enough,” said Dianne Hayter, the opposition Labour Party’s Brexit spokeswoman.The result had been expected and was the seventh time in recent weeks that the government has been defeated in the Lords on the legislation that will formally terminate Britain’s EU membership.

The Lords amendments to the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill have been criticised by the government and can be overturned in the lower house, where May has a working majority, albeit a slim one.

The government suffered an eighth defeat when lawmakers backed an amendment requiring ministers to seek parliamentary approval for their negotiating mandate in the next round of Brexit talks on Britain future relationship with the block.

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