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UK Parliamentarian Shows Concern on Scenario of held Kashmir

LONDON: Member of UK Parliament and British Conservative Party leader, Andrew Griffiths has expressed serious concern on the abolishment of special status to Indian occupied Kashmir.

According to details, Andrew Griffiths has inked a letter to newly elected British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, showing his reservations on the revocation of Article 370 of Indian constitution.

He said that utter violation of human rights is taking place in the occupied valley with internet and phone services suspended, and continuous deployment of additional Indian troops.

Stressing the British government to approach Indian PM Narendra Modi, Griffiths said that the national leadership of the UK should opt for a solution to problems that have emerged in wake of article’s scrapping.

It is to be noted that the ruling BJP on Monday announced to cancel Article 370 in Lok Sabha without letting the opposition having a say as they pushed the presidential decree.