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Ukrainian iPhone 7 wins iPhone 7

A Ukrainian man has won Apple’s iconic iPhone 7 by officially changing his name to iPhone 7 after an electronics store offered the latest Apple product to the first five people who do that.

The 20-year old iPhone Sim (Seven) who received the coveted prize Friday said that he might change his name back to his original name, Olexander Turin, after having children.

The start price of in Ukraine Changing one’s name costs $ 2 in Ukraine while the starting price of  while the iPhone 7 is around $ 850.

Olexander’s, pardon me iPhone’s sister Tetyana has said that at first it was difficult for her to accept her brother’s name-change decision. Every person in this world is looking for a way to express himself why not to do that in this way, she said defending her brother’s name-change decision.