Abb Takk News

UN delegation on safety and security department calls on CM Sindh

Karachi: A seven member United Nations delegation of safety and security department called on Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah on Thursday.

The UN delegation led by Assistant Secretary-General Ms Unaisi Lutu Vuniwaqa at CM House.

The meeting attended by Chief Secretary Sindh Asif Hyder Shah, secretary Iqbal Memon, Inspector General (IG) Police Ghulam Nabi Memon, secretary to CM Rahim Sheikh.

The delegation and the CM Sindh exchanged views on various calamities while Syed Murad Ali Shah said that we see the UN work on rehabilitation of flood affected with hold in high regard.

The meeting also expressed views regarding facilitating to the UN various agencies in view of natural calamities.

The UN delegation said that they have kept eyes on impacts of the heat stroke continued in Sindh.

The UN delegation apprised the CM Sindh that if needed any agency of the UN help will be prepared for cooperating with the Sindh government.

The CM Sindh also thanked the UN delegation over the assurance of the cooperation.

The UN delegation ensured the CM Sindh its complete cooperation and where necessary we will cooperate with the Sindh government.