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US congress overrides Obama’s veto on 9/11 attack bill

WASHINGTON: United States (US) Congress dismissed President Barack Obama’s veto on the bill that would allow families of the victims of September 11 terror attacks, to sue Saudi Arabia.

US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter warned that the bill could damage US-Saudi Arabia relations. The US congress gave right to the families of 9/11 victims to file claims against Saudi Arabia.

Earlier, US President Obama vetoed the bill, saying that he didn’t want his relations distorted with Saudi Arabia.

According to US media, US Senate also voted to override President Obama’s veto of legislation, which would allow 9/11 victims’ families to sue Saudi Arabia over its alleged support to terrorists involved in attacks, while the vote was 97 to 1.

US Congress overridden Obama’s veto on 9/11 attack bill by 397 votes. Only 27 votes were casted in support of Barack Obama in the Congress.

White House expressed its disappointment over dismissal of the veto. US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter wrote a letter to Congress and said that the bill could damage US and defence forces interests in Saudi Arabia.