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US Govt confirms Pakistan’s aid to buy F-16 halted by congress

The US government office has confirmed that Pakistan’s aid to buy F-16 planes have been halted by the US congress.

The US state department  spokesperson John Kirby said that although the congress had approved the aid to Pakistan for purchasing  F-16 but some members of the congress have refused to release funds for Pakistan.

The spokesperson said that after objection from the congress Pakistan has been informed that they have to arrange the amount itself for the purchase.

However, the US state department said they are principally against the conditions which imposed by the congress on Pakistan.

Moreover, the congress also stopped the process of approving Pakistan this year military aid of 742 million dollar for time being when the budget was presented to the congress for approval. At the moment the the amount could not be release to Pakistan but if the congress change its mind then  the military aid can be released.

John said  the Obama administration will continue to work with the congress on the matter.

The reason of objection came from senator Bob Corker and other members of congress who feared that the F-16 can be used solely against India.