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US President Trump Arrives In Scotland

Edinburgh (July 14, 2018): Donald Trump has arrived in Scotland as thousands of people gathered to protest against his visit.

The US president touched down at Prestwick Airport shortly after completing his two-day working trip to the UK.

Mr Trump, whose mother was Scottish, will spend the weekend at his Turnberry golf resort in Ayrshire in what has been described as a private visit.Protestors filled George Square in Glasgow ahead of his arrival. Shortly after Mr Trump’s arrival at Turnberry a power paraglider was spotted flying close to the resort with a banner which said “Trump: Well below par”.

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The Scotland United Against Trump group had said it hoped to attract about 3,000 people to the Glasgow protest, which organisers said was intended to send out a message that Scotland opposed Mr Trump’s “politics of division and hatred”.Among the placards carried by campaigners in George Square were messages against the US president’s policies including “Give the weans Irn Bru not iron cages” while others urged him to go home, with signs saying “Bolt ya rocket and make Scotland great again”.

Trump has often spoken of his love for Scotland and its people and had been a regular visitor to the country for many years, but this is his first trip since becoming president.

The president and his wife Melania waved as they left Air Force One shortly after arriving at Prestwick, before being taken away in a huge convoy of black vehicles for the 20-mile journey to Turnberry.Trump was driven in a vehicle with the US and Scottish flags displayed on the bonnet. He was greeted by Scottish Secretary David Mundell, who said he was “pleased to greet Trump on behalf of the UK government”.

He added: “The UK and the USA a have long and important relationship – we have close cultural ties, a strong economic partnership and the US is one of our most important security allies.

Anti-Trump campaigners also gathered in Dundee, while further protests are expected to target his Turnberry and Menie golf courses as well as the US consulate in Edinburgh.

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