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US will never accept nuclear-armed North Korea: Tillerson

Washington (July 5, 2017): United States Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has said that US will never accept a nuclear-armed North Korea and  strongly condemned North Korean intercontinental ballistic missile launch.

The US Secretary of state called it, “a new escalation of the threat to the United States, our allies, partners, the region, and the world.”

Tillerson said in a statement, “Global action is required to stop a global threat. Any country that hosts North Korean guest workers, provides any economic or military benefits, or fails to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions is aiding and abetting a dangerous regime.”

Tillerson also called for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and stated the US “will never accept a nuclear-armed North Korea.”

A statement from Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency said Tuesday’s test was of a new, nuclear-capable ICBM.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called it an Independence Day present to the US, adding “we should deliver big and small presents often.”

Tillerson’s strong statement marks a striking contrast to when North Korea conducted a test in April and Tillerson said: “North Korea launched yet another intermediate-range ballistic missile. The United States has spoken enough about North Korea. We have no further comment.”

The Pentagon late Tuesday confirmed North Korea’s test was an ICBM. “The launch continues to demonstrate that North Korea poses a threat to the United States and our allies,” a Pentagon statement said.

North Korea said the missile flew on a steep trajectory, going 2,800 kilometers (1,741 miles) above the Earth, before splashing down in the Sea of Japan/East Sea 930 kilometers (578 miles) from its launch site.

Analysts said if the missile were fired on a standard, flatter trajectory it would be capable of reaching Alaska.

The US and South Korea also announced they had conducted a joint exercise in response to North Korea’s launch. A South Korean statement said the drill which was “intended as a strong warning against North Korean provocation” took place along South Korea’s eastern coastline and “showcased precision targeting of the enemy’s leadership in case of an emergency.”

The drill is a clear signal from the Pentagon that the US and South Korea have no intention of stopping joint military exercises in exchange for North Korea halting its missile and nuclear testing, as China and Russia earlier suggested.

Trump administration national security, military and diplomatic officials gathered for unexpected July 4 meetings to discuss what options might be needed, several administration officials told the media.

Top officials at the State Department and the Defense Department participated in the meetings. The goal is for President Donald Trump to potentially approve a “measured response,” one official said. Nothing has been decided, but that response could include sending additional US military assets such as troops, aircraft and ships to the region. Diplomatic options are also being considered, including more sanctions.

US, North Korea moving towards nuclear war

US provocation pushing peninsula to brink of nuclear war: North Korea