Abb Takk News

Water level in Mangla Dam reaches dead level

MIRPUR: The Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) decided to halt the release of water from Mangla Dam after the water level reached a dead level of 150 feet.

A spokesman for WAPDA said that only 3 feet of water are left in Tarbela Dam, while the water level likely to reach dead level during the next thirty-six hours.

The spokesman further revealed that the current water level in Tarbela Dam is 1402 feet, while the dam has the capacity to store 15,000 acres of water, while 72,000 acres of water can be stored in Mangla Dam.
Water capacity in Chashma is 15,000 acres. A WAPDA spokesman said that overall current water storage is 102,000 acres feet from Tarbela, Mangla, and Chashma.