Do you know that why Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan ? it is said that the markhor would actively kill and consume snakes
The Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan, it also known as the “screw-horn” or screw-horned goat, the Markhor is a persian word which is the combination of two word “Mar” mean snake and “Khor” mean eater. so Markhor mean snake eater. The Markhor hold great skill at killing snakes an the wild to protect its harem .
The Markhor is the largest of the goat family and commonly found in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. Despite their large size, Markhors are extremely skilled climbers. They can climb trees and other slanted structures, including dangerous cliffs, in search for food and to avoid predators.
Sadly, this incredible goat has been hunted for many reasons, including trophies, meat and medicine. In 2011 the Markhor was classed as an endangered species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) It was in danger of facing extinction.
Male Markhor lives in forest during the hot weathers, while female Markhor climb the highest peaks. However, they descend down to the area of relatively lower altitudes in cold season to avoid the extreme weather conditions. They forage for around 8-12 hours a day and then rest during the mid-day to chew their cud. Markhor are normally kept with other 83 wild goats. They captivated in zoo and wildlife parks for conservation purpose. Markhor have an average life span of 10 to 13 years.