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World Military Sailing Championship-2016 begins in Karachi

Karachi: Opening ceremony of 49th CISM World Military Sailing Championship 2016 was held on Friday in at Marina club, here.

 Teams from 09 nations including Bahrain, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar and Russia with Palestine as an observer are participating in the sailing championship. The championship will continue by November 01, wherein J-80 class boats will be used in match racing format.

While speaking on the occasion, Commander Pakistan Fleet Vice Admiral Syed Arifullah Hussaini said that holding of this event in Pakistan is a great honour for the country and praised the concerted efforts of the Organizing Committee. He also acknowledged and thanked the presence of President CISM for gracing the event. He highlighted the importance of the event in integrating relationships among the world militaries. The Chief Guest further added that the event will not only promote “Friendship through Sport”, but will also bring world militaries together to further enhance cordial relationship.

He paid special tribute to Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee for patronaging this important event. Earlier, official CISM representative (OCR), Colonel Vethoven gave his welcome address and apprised the audience about the importance of the event. He hoped that the championship would be conducted in a befitting manner, in which all events will be contested in true spirit.

A large number of civil and military dignitaries also attended the ceremony.