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World Population Day Being Observed Today

Web Desk (July 11, 2018): The World Population Day is being celebrated worldwide including Pakistan today. This day aims to spread awareness and discuss issues related to population growth.World Population Day, a United Nations’ initiative celebrated every year on July 11 to raise awareness about the exploding world population, focuses on reproductive rights this year to mark 50 years since family planning won recognition as a human right.The world’s population totals 7.6 billion people and is expected to grow to nearly 10 billion by the middle of this century before levelling off at around 11.2 billion by the end.

Pakistan’s population has reached around 210 million making Pakistan 6th most populous country of the world, after China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil.Pakistan has the highest population growth rate at around 1.90%. Each family in Pakistan on average has 3.1 children. Pakistan is facing a formidable challenge of tackling the issues of economic development and poverty reduction.This year the theme of World Population Day is, ‘Family Planning is a Human Right’. All individuals have a basic human right to determine freely and responsibly the number and timing of their children.

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