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Worst load shedding by K-electric in sizzling heat makes people lives hell

Karachi: Sizzling heatwave continued to lash fire on people of Karachi in one hand on the other Karachi masses lives have become hell by the worst load shedding conducted by the K-electric on excuse of electricity theft in the city.

The people of Karachi said that an immediate action should be taken in those areas where electricity theft is being conducted while avoid putting other people lives in wrath.

The sole distributor of Karachi, the K-electric has increased duration of load shedding on excuse of electricity theft in the city.

Masses of the city are facing the worst load shedding of 18 to 20 hours load shedding in the many parts of the city.

On the other hand, the citizens complaint that the K-electric is hiding its incompetence against people who paid electricity bills and alleging the masses of the electricity theft.

Meanwhile, the protests against load shedding by the masses have become regular norm in the metropolis despite that the K-electric is not providing electricity.