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Uzair confesses making millions of assets through black money

Lyari Gangwar leader Uzair Baloch has confessed black money inside ans outside country during investigation. According to sources  accused only had assets worth of Rs 3.5 million  in United Arab Emirates.

According to investigative sources,  an accused Uzair has confessed during investigation that he has made assets worth of millions rupees in UAE, Iran and Pakistan.  Three vehicles, one plot, office  and two house  are included in assets list. Likewise,  about Rs 10 million worth house was bought  in the name of Jalil relative in Iran, whereas  only rupees 1.5 million has to be kept  in Pakistan Bank and he has had millions of assets in Karachi.

However source claimed that accused has given Ghas Mandi casino in the  name of Aijaz person over Rs 10 million interest, whereas  45 powerful personalities are in list of his friends and Lyari’s 14 gang war commander has kept to be working as his subordinate.