Abb Takk News

West Bank, Jerusalem: Israeli Forces Detain 21 Palestinians

Web-Desk (February 05, 2018): Israeli forces on Monday detained 21 Palestinians during raid operations in several areas in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.

The individuals were arrested for “suspected involvement in terrorist activities,” the army said in a statement without elaborating.

According to Palestinian figures, roughly 6,400 Palestinians are currently held in Israeli prisons, including dozens of women and 300 minors.Some 450 of these are under what Israel calls “administrative detention” where they face neither trial or charge.

Twelve members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, which in theory serves as a Palestinian parliament, also remain in Israeli custody.

The Israeli army frequently carries out sweeping arrest campaigns across the occupied West Bank under the pretext of searching for “wanted” Palestinians. (Anadolu Agency)


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