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Indian Military Kills Four Kashmiris in Kupwara

Srinagar (March 20, 2018): The Indian military in their fresh act of state terrorism martyred four Kashmiri youth in Indian occupied Kashmir’s Kupwara district on Tuesday.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the troops killed the youth during a siege and search operation in Halmatpora area of the district.

In occupied Kashmir, Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani says the Indian oppression has forced the people of Kashmir to fight back with more will and vigor for the liberation of their motherland from its illegal occupation.Addressing the members of Majlis-e-Shoora of Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir in Srinagar, he said the entire pro-freedom camp has been facing testing times at the hands of Indian occupational forces.

The forum said that the failure of India and its puppets in conducting any probe into Chattisinghpora-like mass murders has proved that efforts are being made at government level to hush up the facts.

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