WASHINGTON: U.S. authorities said on Thursday it was not yet clear why a regional jet and a U.S. Army helicopter collided at a Washington airport, killing 67 people in this air disaster.
According to the media reports, A passenger plane and military helicopter collided near Washington Airport, where the plane crashed near the Potomic River. In which 67 people were kill.
Investigators recovered the so-called black boxes from the plane, The crash has confirmed the death of all 67 people aboard the plane and helicopter. Most of the bodies recovered from the river.
Investigators recovered the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder from the Bombardier CRJ700 passenger jet, The agency has begun collecting debris, including parts of the helicopter, and is saving it in a hanger for Reagan National.
Washington Fire and Emergency Department said its divers have searched all accessible areas and will search for additional search to find aircraft components on Friday.
According to the National Transportation Safety Board said, preliminary report about the incident is expected within 30 days.
It should be noted that the accident has been the worst air accident in 23 years since 9/11.