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70pc of Torture Victims In IoK Are Civilians: Report

Srinagar: Today Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) and the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) released the first comprehensive report on torture in Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK).

The report focuses on the torture perpetrated in IoK by the Indian State since 1990 and provides a contextual understanding of various phases of torture being perpetrated in IoK since 1947.

The report reveals that 70pc of Torture Victims in the Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) are Civilians.

According to a report, torture is used as a matter of policy by the Indian State in IoK in a systematic and institutional manner.

The forms of torture that have been documented in this report include stripping the detainees naked (190 out of 432 cases studied for this report), beating with sticks, iron rods or leather belts (326 cases), roller treatment (169 cases), water-boarding (24 cases), dunking detainees’ head in water (101 cases), electrocution including in genitals (231 cases), hanging from the ceiling, mostly upside down (121 cases), burning of the body with hot objects (35 cases), solitary confinement (11 cases), sleep deprivation (21 cases), sexual torture (238 cases) including rape and sodomy, among others.

It also revealed that despite global attention and condemnation of torture following exposés of indiscriminate torture practised in Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib prisons, torture remains hidden in IoK, where tens of thousands of civilians have been subjected to it.