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PSP To Hold Protesting Rally On January 10

Karachi: Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) Chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal has said that his party will not compromise on the census as we had rejected the census on the very first day.

Addressing a presser at Pakistan House, the PSP chairman said that Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan has already said that and it is on record Karachi has a population of more than 30 million.

Pak Sarzameen Party (PSP) Chairman Syed Mustafa Kamal has announced to hold protesting rally in Karachi on January 10.

Mustafa Kamal categorically said that the PSP will not accept the consensus at all adding that every institutions, court and every section of the city have proved the consensus wrong.

He said that he has seen every corner of the city during the development work carried out in his tenure.

The PSP cheif questioned that if the general elections of 2018 could be held under the 2017 census then why not local bodies elections can not be held?

He said that he doesn’t see that the government will hold local bodies election.

Mustafa Kamal said that his party thinks MQM equally responsible with the PTI crime adding that if Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) seriously announces to quit the alliance then the PTI will compel to take back the decision regarding the census.

The PSP chief said that the whole MQM leadership have cases regeistered against them which included Waseem Akhtar , Khalid Maqbool to name a few.