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Govt Expresses Willingness To Review Social Media Rules

Islamabad: The government has shown its intention to review laws regarding regulation of social media.

The IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah heard a petition regarding the social media rules.

During the course of the hearing, Attorney General Khalid Javed Khan apprised the court that shutting any social media platform is not at all solution to the problem adding that the rules are not last words while stake holders can give their suggestions.

Justice Athar Minallah remarked that article 19 and 19A are related to basic human rights adding that it seems that stake holders were not consulted while making the rules. On which attorney general said that the petitioners will be consulted and give us time we will review the rules joining with PTA and stake holders.

Justice Athar Minallah said that the consultation is must and it is very appropriate, if the government is willing then petitioner should present their suggestions and we should complete trust on the government and we should expect good.

Justice Athar Minallah said that we will not pass any general order on the issue if any order passed on the basis of the rules then it can be challenged in the court.

The court adjourned the hearing of the case till February 26.