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The French education minister under fire for sending her children to private schools.

WEB DESK: The new education minister has been heavily criticized for sending her children to private schools instead of public schools

The French’s newly appointed education minister Amelie Oudea-Castera is under increasing pressure for her past decision to send her children to private schools, with calls for her resignation. 

According to the report, speaking to reporters on his first visit to a school in Paris as education minister, the education minister said that the decision to send a son to a private school was made due to lack of staff in his son’s public school. 

She further explained that she and her husband Malik were fed up like thousands of families and hence decided to look for another solution. 

As per report, his remaining children attended the prestigious Stanislaus School, a Catholic institution near his home in Paris.Private schools have been under investigation by the Ministry of Education since last year after reports of homophobic and sexual behavior emerged.