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Ahsan Iqbal Convenes Meeting Over Rangers’ Issue

Islamabad (October 02, 2017):  Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal on Monday convened a high level meeting over today’s incident at Islamabad accountability court, wherein Rangers did not allow media persons, lawyers and PML-N leader including federal ministers to enter the court.

The meeting will be attended by Secretary Interior, IG Police Islamabad, Commissioner Islamabad and Rangers Commander.

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The Minister has convened the meeting over the incident which he dubbed a state within state.Sources said that the during the meeting Rangers commander would be as to who ordered the force not to allow media persons, lawyers and minister to entre the judicial complex which houses the accotability court hearing corruption reference against Nawaz Sharif.

Earlier in the morning, the minister lashed out at the Rangers for barring PML-N leaders, lawyers and supporters of ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif from entering the accountability court in Islamabad where the former prime minister has appeared for a hearing into graft cases against him.Speaking to reporters before he departed from the court in protest, Iqbal said courts are “open spaces” which supporters and lawyers of the defendant could enter.

The minister said it was only during martial law governments that closed trials were conducted, adding that trials held in democracies are “transparent”.

He said the Islamabad chief commissioner had decided on the names of media personnel and PML-N leaders and supporters who would be allowed to enter the court on Monday. However, he said, the commissioner informed him this morning that “Rangers have suddenly appeared and taken over this place”.He said the Rangers were deployed under the command of the chief commissioner in Islamabad.

Iqbal said the chief commissioner informed him that when he [the commissioner] told Rangers officials that a plan prepared in advance would be followed regarding entry to the court, the Rangers officials in command refused to accept the plan and said they would follow the orders they have been given and “would not allow anyone but Nawaz Sharif to enter [the court].He said he was forced to take a notice of the situation because “Rangers is a force which is subordinate to the Ministry of Interior and when they are deployed, they are supposed to work under the command of the civil administration”.

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