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Army releases confessional statement of surrendered TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan Army on Wednesday released the confessional statement of former spokesperson of the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar (JuA) and Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) Ehsanullah Ehsan.

In the confessional statement released by Army in shape of video  the former TTP leader said that his name was Liaquat Ali, aka Ehsanullah Ehsan and he belonged to the Mohmand Agency.

“I joined the TTP in 2008, when I was a college student,” Ali said adding that he have been a spokesperson for TTP Mohmand, TTP’s central division, and the Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.

“I have seen a lot in my nine years with TTP. These people misled people in the name of Islam, especially the youth, for their own ends,” Ehsan said.

“They themselves could not come up to the standards they championed for others. A particular group is responsible for misleading people, kidnapping them and extorting them for money, and murdering innocents. These people are behind the bombing attacks in different places; attacking schools, colleges and universities. This is not what Islam teaches us,” he says.

“When the operation in Waziristan kicked off, these people started fighting within themselves for more power and leadership,” Ehsan reveals.

“After Hakimullah was killed, a new succession struggle kicked off,” Ehsan says. “A campaign was kicked off in support of Omar Khalid Khorasani, Sajna and Mullah Fazlullah. Everyone wanted power, so a shura decided that there would be a draw of names for who would be leader. This is how Mullah Fazlullah was elected leader of the TTP.”

“What can you expect from a leader who was nominated through a lucky draw? And what can you expect from Fazlullah, who married his mentor’s daughter by force and took her away,” Ehsan said.

“After the operation in North Waziristan, we fled to Afghanistan. Over there, we established and developed contacts with India and RAW [India’s spy agency],” Ehsan claimed. “They [the TTP leadership] got their [Indian] support, their funding and took money for every activity they did. They pushed the TTP soldiers on the frontlines to fight against the Pakistan Army and went into hiding themselves,” he added.

“When they started taking help from India and RAW, I told Khorasani that we’re supporting the kuffar [non-believers] and helping them kill our own people in our own country.”

“He [Khorasani] said: ‘Even if Israel wants to fund me to destabilise Pakistan, I will not hesitate to take their help’.”

“At that point, I had figured out that the TTP was functioning according to some sort of agenda that served the self-interest of its leaders.”

“These [terrorist] organizations have established committees in Afghanistan through which they communicate and coordinate with RAW. The Indians had given them special visas to help them move around Afghanistan with ease. In Afghanistan, these visas function like Pakistani ID cards.”

“Without these documents, it is very difficult for terrorists to move around Afghanistan considering the security situation in that country,” Ehsan revealed.

“These [terrorists] used to keep in contact with Afghan and Indian security forces before they moved anywhere in the country. They used to grant them passage and guide their infiltration attempts into Pakistan.”

“Pakistan Army has destroyed several Jamaat-ul-Ahrar camps in Afghan territory and killed many of their commandoes in its ongoing operation. Due to this, they’ve had to flee the area and abandon their headquarters. Due to this, the morale of their fighters and their senior leadership has been shaken.”

“There are people in those camps who have had enough; who want to quit. I want to send out a message to them.” “Adopt the path of peace, and come back to a life of tranquility.”

“When these people stopped getting airtime in media to the ongoing operations, they turned to social media to rope in young, innocent minds,” he said.