Abb Takk News

KARACHI: All bodies of the PIA plane crash victims have retrieved from the debris on Saturday. 

Authorities have confirmed that except two survivors of the plane crash in Karachi ninety-seven other passengers including twenty-six women, sixty-eight men and three children are among the dead.

Sixty-six bodies including twenty female, forty-three male and three children were moved to Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center, of those sixteen could be identified and fifty remain unidentified so far.

Thirty-one bodies were carried to Dr. Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital included six of women and twenty-five men. Twenty-eight of them remain unidentified and three identified as that of Major Sheriyar, Lt. Balaj and Syed Danish Shah s/o Syed Ahad Shah.

Following DNA sample collection of the bodies, twenty-one have been shifted to the morgue managed by Chhipa Welfare and other forty-five to Edhi mortuary.