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Indian Army Chief Suggests Talks For Peace In Kashmir

New Delhi(June 14, 2018): Recently, during an interview with Indian newspaper, Army Chief of India Bipin Rawat has accepted his defeat in occupied Kashmir.

Bipin Rawat said, “Even the use of power could not stop movement of Kashmiri youth.”Indian Army Chief agreed to the dialogue, to break the cycle of recruitments of Kashmiri youth into militant groups.

He said, “We kill them and more would join. Infiltration can be controlled, but this cycle of recruitment of local youth can go on and on. Dialogue is must for maintenance of peace. So, let’s give peace a chance in the region.”He also said that this is a proxy war and proxy war is a dirty war, that is where innovation comes in. You fight a dirty war with innovations.

It is pertinent to remember that almost a month before, Indian Army Chief passed a statement that Kashmiri youth cannot counter guns and powers.

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