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Iran nuclear deal not in best interest of US: White House

WASHINGTON: White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said that Iran nuclear deal was not in the best interest of United States and added that the time has come to make crucial decision against Iran.

He said, ‘ Today, the U.S. sanctioned 25 individuals and entities that provide support to Iran’s ballistic missile program and the Islamic Revolutionary Quds Force.’

The press secretary said that these designations were in response to Iran’s ongoing ballistic missile program, including its ballistic missile test on January 29, 2017, as well as Iran’s continued support for terrorism.

He said that they had taken these actions after careful consideration and added that they will continue to respond with appropriate action.

Spicer said, ‘ These designations mark yet another stop in our continued effort to aggressively target Iran’s ballistic missile program and terrorism-related activities. I think today’s sanctions really represent a very, very strong stand against the actions that Iran has been taking and make it very clear that the deal that they struck previously was not in the best interest of this country, and that President Trump is going to do everything he can to make sure that Iran is stayed in check.’

He said today’s action speaks for itself in terms of the sanctions. Spicer said,’ I think today’s actions and the way that we expedited those sanctions are another example of how he’s going to stay tough on them.’

While answering a question, the press secretary said that Jewish settlements on occupied Palestinian land were not obstacle in peace process but settlements on West bank would affect the peace process.

He said that Donald Trump wanted to restore peace in the Middle East. Spicer said that immigrants will have to go through strict checking. He said immigrants’ social media accounts and telephone contacts will also be checked.